8X16 + 2X8GASM BCM400 Installation
Many Nortel Networks BCM50, BCM200, BCM400 and BCM450 systems, as well as Meridian and Norstar, remain in operation.
Despite EOS, EOL and End-of-Support from Avaya, there is still a network of technicians supporting this product globally.
Please contact us for options for keeping your venerable system in service!
Norstar/Companion Alarm Code Manual
Flashing Lights
Steady Green = OK, services functioning
Disk Flashing Green = Drive Activity
Status Blinking Green = one or more telephony service failed, or not yet loaded
MSC, WAN, MODEM, LAN Flashing Green = driver failed or not yet loaded
POWER, TEMP, FAN Steady Red = power supply failure, over temperature, fan failed
Some great resources for the Nortel BCM400:
Mike's PBX Cookbook Tek-Tips BCM FAQ Voice Communications
please note: Verulam Telephone is not affiliated with, or responsible for any content in the above websites, they are just really cool!
Random thoughts:
-when reinstalling BCM 3.7 (Windows NT4.0 version,) or changing out the hard-drive: make sure that you plug the hard drive into the IDE 0 slot. It will NOT boot from IDE 1.
-periodically power the system down, disconnect power cable, and pull the trays out one by one. Blow out any fluff or dust bunny colonies and reseat all your connectors.
BCM400 3.7 Software
-Nortel IP Softphone 2050
In my personal opinion, Version 2.00.0239 is far better than Version 1.40.0363 that was included with BCM3.7
And, it works with 64-bit Windows 10...
BCM400 Hardware
Media Services Card
The Media Services Card (MSC) connects to the BCM400 Base Function Tray (BFT) through the PCI slot on the SH815 motherboard. It provides digital signal processing, buses for Media Bay Modules and contains system programming on multiple FLASH/RAM chips. System memory is maintained by a large supercapacitor. The MSC carries the DS2401 silicon serial number chip (U18) that provides the System ID. All feature licensing is driven by the System ID. In diagnosing hardware failures, be sure to try the MSC on a new BFT in order to preserve your licensed features.
SD Card Adapter
-coming soon
SSD Drive Substitutes
- coming soon
SATA Drive Adapters
- coming soon
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